Congressman Richard Neal Speaks on Raising the Debt Ceiling
Congressman Richard E. Neal speaks on the floor of the US House of Representatives on Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Congressman Richard Neal Speaks on Raising the Debt Ceiling
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Congressman Richard E. Neal speaks on the floor of the US House of Representatives on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 Congressman Richard Neal Speaks on the Bipartisan Budget Act
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Congressman Richard E. Neal speaks on the floor of the US House of Representatives on Thursday, December 12, 2013. Congressman Neal Speaks Before the House Vote to Fund the Government and Lift the Debt Ceiling
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Congressman Richard E. Neal speaks on the floor of the US House of Representatives during the evening of October 16, 2013 Congressman Richard E. Neal Congratulates Congressman Ed Markey on the House Floor
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Congressman Richard E. Neal congratulates Congressman Ed Markey on his election to the United States Senate on the House Floor on Thursday, July 27, 2013 Neal Introduces Bill to Close Reinsurance Tax Loophole
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Click here to download the technical explanation of the bill Mr. Speaker, today I am pleased to come before the House to introduce legislation ending a current law loophole that allows foreign insurance groups to strip their U.S. income into tax havens to avoid U.S. tax and gain a competitive advantage over American companies. I am pleased to be joined in my efforts by Senator… Congressman Richard E. Neal Defends the Health Care Reform Law
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Congressman Richard E. Neal speaks on the floor of the US House of Representatives on Thursday, May 16, 2013 Congressman Richard Neal Introduces the Automatic IRA Act of 2013
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Congressman Richard Neal Introduces the Automatic IRA Act of 2013 on the floor of the US House of Representatives on Thursday, May 16, 2013 Congressman Richard E. Neal Speaks Out Against the "Pay China First Act"
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Congressman Richard E. Neal speaks on the floor of the US House of Representatives on Thursday, May 9, 2013 Congressman Neal Stands in Solidarity with Congressman Capuano in Leading a Moment of Silence for the People of Boston
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Congressman Richard E. Neal helps Congressman Michael Capuano lead a moment of silence on the House floor for the people of Boston on April 15, 2013 Browse Documents by Date or Issue |