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Press Releases

Neal Delivers Floor Remarks on Republicans' Baseless Political Stunt

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(As prepared for delivery) Mister Speaker, I rise today in disgust and frustration of my Republican colleagues’ “Do-Nothing” Congress. They are leading the most unproductive session since the Great Depression, and after manufacturing crisis after crisis, putting our record-breaking economic recovery at risk at every turn, they think that formalizing their fishing expedition will dress…

Neal Statement on November 2023 Jobs Report

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Today, Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) November 2023 jobs report: “The path to a soft landing is clear because we cleared it. Democrats focused on rebuilding from the bottom-up and middle-out, leaving failed trickle-down economics behind, and we are seeing the middle class grow as…

Neal Statement on the Grounding of the Osprey

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Congressman Richard E. Neal released the following statement after the U.S. Air Force announced that it will be grounding the CV-22 Osprey fleet.   “I commend the decision by Air Force Special Operations Command to ground their fleet of Osprey aircraft to allow for a thorough review of the incident involving eight dedicated airmen, including Staff Sgt.…

Neal Statement on Republicans’ Dead-End Political Stunt

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Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement after House Republicans announced the next steps in their fact-free impeachment inquiry: “House Republicans are formalizing their fishing expedition just as they head out of town and out of scrutiny of the American people. No amount of formality can dress this political stunt up as the truth.…

Neal Applauds Biden Administration’s New Actions to Lower Health Care Costs

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Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement applauding the Biden Administration's announcement of new action to lower health care costs by cracking down on price gouging: “For too long, special interests have reaped the rewards of Big Pharma’s “profits over people” practices while too many Americans were forced to make unconscionable…

Neal Opening Statements at Committee Executive Session

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(As prepared for delivery) Hearing The last time the Majority called a meeting behind closed doors, Speaker Kevin McCarthy was still leading their conference, their first impeachment inquiry hearing was on the horizon, and we were staring down another Republican government shutdown. And in the 10 months since they began their fishing expedition, they still had no evidence of wrongdoing…

Neal Statement on the Passing of Staff Sgt. Jacob Galliher

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Congressman Richard E. Neal released the following statement on the passing of Pittsfield native, Staff Sgt. Jacob Galliher.   “As a father, my heart goes out to Staff Sgt. Jacob Galliher’s mother and father during this difficult time. Any parent will tell you there is no greater pain than the pain of losing a child, and Jacob Galliher was beloved by all. Staff…

Neal Blasts Republicans' Continued Weaponization of Ways and Means

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Ahead of Ways and Means Republicans calling another closed-door session to peddle refuted claims, Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) blasted their illegitimate, fact-free inquiry and demanded transparency for the American people: “I struggle to call House Republicans’ fishing expedition an investigation when it’s been run without any investigating. It’s been…

Neal Opening Statement at Tax, Worker and Family Support, and Trade Markup

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(As prepared for delivery) Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Before we get into the substance of these bills, I want to take a moment to recognize Rep. Dan Kildee for his years of service to the Committee following the news that he will leave Congress at the end of this term. Dan, a native son of Flint, has been a passionate advocate for his fellow Michiganders and a crucial leader on trade…

Neal Statement on Kildee Retirement

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Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement after Ways and Means Committee Member Congressman Dan Kildee (D-MI) announced that he will retire at the end of the 118th Congress: “Congressman Dan Kildee has been a legislator’s legislator, and his retirement is a loss for the Ways and Means Committee and the people of Michigan’s Eighth…

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