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House Democrats pass $1.9 trillion stimulus bill with no bipartisan support

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SPRINGFIELD, MA (WGGB/WSHM) -- House Democrats pass a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill, but not one House Republican voted in favor of the bill, and now it will face an uphill battle in the Senate. People are closer to getting a $1,400 stimulus check. The final vote was a narrow margin of 219–212, with two House Democrats breaking ranks and voting no. There was no bipartisan…

COVID relief heads to Senate after key help from Massachusetts congressmen

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The House passed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan early Saturday morning with $1,400 direct payments to Americans and with two members of the Massachusetts delegation playing key roles in its passage. U.S. Rep. Richard E. Neal, D-Springfield, as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, was responsible for $941 billion — or about half the $1.9 trillion bill. As Rules…

Chairman Neal Statement on House Passage of American Rescue Plan Act

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Tonight, House Ways and Means Chairman Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement after the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1319, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021: “As our nation grieves the collective tragedies of the last year, it is our responsibility to protect lives and livelihoods. Tonight, we showed the American people that the help they’ve been…

Chairman Neal Floor Remarks on the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

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(As prepared for delivery) M.  Speaker, more than a year has passed since the coronavirus was first detected in the United States. In that time, we have lost over half a million lives to this relentless virus. We are a nation in mourning - for our lost loved ones, neighbors, colleagues. And as we mourn, much of American life is unrecognizable. Millions have lost their jobs. And…

Neal Statement on the U.S. International Trade Commission's Report "Renewable Electricity: Potential Economic Effects of Increased Commitments in Massachusetts"

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Today, the U.S. International Trade Commission released their findings pursuant to a Tariff Act of 1930 section 332 investigation requested by Chairman Richard E. Neal last year.  The report analyzes the potential economic impact of increased renewable energy commitments in New England and Massachusetts and the role of renewable electricity imports in meeting these…

Rep. Neal addresses progress of American Rescue Plan

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SPRINGFIELD, MA (WGGB/WSHM) -- Congressman Richard Neal addressing the American Rescue Plan on Monday. The plan, which was the nearly $2 trillion COVID-19 relief plan proposed by President Joe Biden, was recently marked up by the Ways and Means Committee - the committee that Neal chairs. The plan continues through the reconciliation process and Neal wants to help those unemployed due to…

Ways and Means Committee Finalizes Markups of American Rescue Plan

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The American Rescue Plan is a $1.9 trillion economic stimulus package proposed by President Joe Biden. Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, Congressman Richard Neal, explained what this means for the American people and how soon they could see this relief. "The pandemic is not a Democratic problem or a Republican problem, it's a health issue and before we get to full economic…

Neal sees tight guidelines on state, local aid

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BOSTON (SHNS) – By the end of this week, a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief and economic stimulus bill could be on its way to the U.S. Senate, according to House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal. During a press conference in Springfield on Monday, Neal outlined a timetable and prediction for the bill. “It now appears as though Friday will be the scheduled vote on the…

Neal, Pascrell Raise Alarms Over Slow Start to 2021 Filing Season

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A week into the most important tax filing season in recent memory, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard E. Neal (D-MA) and Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ) sounded the alarm over the first set of data from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that showed the shortened filing season was already off to a slow start. The troublesome data underscores the…

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