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Neal Statement on June 2023 Jobs Report

Today, Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) June 2023 jobs report.

“Democrats are creating jobs, making smart public investments around the country, and educating and empowering workers as we continue to grow the middle class. Today’s jobs report is solid, and shows our sustainable return to pre-pandemic growth.”

“Republicans are sticking to their failed trickle-down economics playbook: first, they tried their hardest to derail our progress by threatening a job-killing recession, then turned around to give another Tax Scam handout to billionaires and big corporations. While they ram through divisive bills from their most extreme members and prioritize the wealthy and well-connected, Ways and Means Democrats won’t let anyone forget where our priorities lie: investing in America and the workers and families who make our country great.”  


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