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Neal Statement Marking Labor Day

Today, Ways and Means Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement marking Labor Day:

“America was built by our workers and by our labor movement. As we mark Labor Day, we must not only honor the workers and unions who have powered our record economic growth but also continue the fight for the fair wages, strong benefits, and safe working conditions that they deserve. From the Butch Lewis Act to the Employee Retention Tax Credit, Ways and Means Democrats have fought to unlock the full potential of our workforce, leveling the playing field for the middle class by expanding key supports like paid leave, child care, and retirement saving options.

“While Democrats’ economic agenda is delivering for workers in communities across the country, Republicans are using their Majority to double down on the extremism and chaos that continues to present the greatest threat to our economy. It’s no wonder they’re openly sharing their contempt for America’s workers; the GOP agenda only delivers for the wealthy and well-connected. Growing our economy comes from growing the middle class – Democrats won’t ever give up the fight to build an economy that works for every American."


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