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Neal Statement on U.S. Census Bureau’s 2022 Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Reports

Washington, D.C., September 12, 2023

Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement after the U.S. Census Bureau released its annual reports on income, poverty, and health insurance.

“Today’s reports confirm that child poverty is a choice, and by not extending our expanded Child Tax Credit, Republicans have sided against children and their families and forced millions into poverty. Democrats’ investments in those who need it most led to extraordinary progress. Since then, Republicans’ refusal to extend this lifeline has caused greater financial stressors, put necessities out of reach, and ultimately caused the largest one-year increase in child poverty on record.

“Our investments in making health coverage more affordable and accessible continue to pay off as the uninsured rate fell to a near-record low. In the Inflation Reduction Act, Ways and Means Democrats fought to extend critical tax credits to lower premiums, saving 13 million people an average of $800 per year. Making this support permanent would give families more breathing room and make it even easier to find the health coverage that best fits their needs.

“The hardship and uncertainty of poverty and not being able to access health coverage are not inevitable, and even in the face of Republican extremism, Ways and Means Democrats won’t stop fighting to deliver an economy that works for all.”



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