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Neal Statement on Latest IRS Initiative to Hold Tax Cheats Accountable

Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement after the IRS announced a new compliance initiative funded by the Inflation Reduction Act to identify and audit tax-evading partnerships:

“For too long, the wealthy and well-connected have played by their own set of rules when it came to paying their taxes, leaving America’s working families to pay the price. With the Inflation Reduction Act, Ways and Means Democrats took historic action to hold tax cheats accountable. Today’s announcement shows this landmark law is hard at work, using new tools delivered by Democrats to hold multi-billion dollar partnerships and their partners accountable and ensure that they pay their fair share, just as millions of working families do each tax season.  I look forward to continuing to work closely with Commissioner Werfel and the Biden Administration to end our two-tiered tax system and deliver on the promise of the Inflation Reduction Act."

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