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Press Releases

Neal Statement on Kildee Retirement

Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement after Ways and Means Committee Member Congressman Dan Kildee (D-MI) announced that he will retire at the end of the 118th Congress:

“Congressman Dan Kildee has been a legislator’s legislator, and his retirement is a loss for the Ways and Means Committee and the people of Michigan’s Eighth District. For the last decade, he has led on trade issues, focusing on keeping jobs in his district, and ardently defended labor. His service has been defined by delivering results. Always ready for the camera and never forgetting where he came from—did you know he’s from Flint? Dan has a keen understanding of how to connect with his constituents and never wavered from their best interests. He surely left his mark on our great Committee and the Congress. I will miss my colleague and friend, but wish him, Jennifer, and their family all the best in what lies ahead.”



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