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Neal Opening Statement at Tax, Worker and Family Support, and Trade Markup

(As prepared for delivery)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Before we get into the substance of these bills, I want to take a moment to recognize Rep. Dan Kildee for his years of service to the Committee following the news that he will leave Congress at the end of this term. Dan, a native son of Flint, has been a passionate advocate for his fellow Michiganders and a crucial leader on trade priorities that support America’s workers. We will certainly miss our colleague and friend, but wish you and your family all the best in your new chapter.

Mr. Chairman, this markup is a step in the right direction, but we’re nearly twelve months into the most unproductive Congress since the Great Depression, and Republicans have not addressed a single kitchen-table issue. Democrats know what the work of the American people is: creating jobs, lowering costs, and growing the economy.

We’ve created over 14 million jobs, more Americans have health care coverage than ever before, inflation is down, and millions are seeing lowered prescription drug and energy costs from the Inflation Reduction Act. Instead of working with Democrats on proven, bipartisan policies, Republicans are waging war on our progress.

Their latest push for repealing the Affordable Care Act is a senseless attack on Americans’ health and well-being. Their repeal agenda would rip tens of millions from the health care they rely on, raise premiums, and put Big Pharma and insurance companies back in charge. We know the consequences: a poorer, sicker America.

The bills under consideration today include a host of priorities shared by Members of the Committee. I’d like to recognize the United States-Taiwan Expedited Double-Tax Relief Act and the bipartisan, bicameral work that went into its development, spearheaded by our own Representatives Chu and DelBene. I’m pleased our productive collaboration on this bill has produced Floor-ready legislation that will strengthen ties and spur economic growth.

We’re also considering legislation to prevent charity funds from reaching known terrorist groups and update tax rules to ensure that veterans service organizations can grow and maintain their memberships.

In the Worker and Family Support space, we are taking up bills to better locate missing foster youth and recruit and retain foster parents who can meet children’s needs. Finally, we will consider legislation that would extend US customs waters limits to counter drug trafficking.

There is certainly room for bipartisan progress on behalf of the American people instead of Republicans’ chaos, conspiracies, and cuts. I hope that in the future, we can continue our work together to find meaningful solutions to the most pressing issues facing American workers and families.

With that, I yield back.

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