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Press Releases

Neal Statement on the Grounding of the Osprey

Congressman Richard E. Neal released the following statement after the U.S. Air Force announced that it will be grounding the CV-22 Osprey fleet.


“I commend the decision by Air Force Special Operations Command to ground their fleet of Osprey aircraft to allow for a thorough review of the incident involving eight dedicated airmen, including Staff Sgt. Jacob Galliher. Until the investigation is completed, our focus must remain on the family and friends grieving the tragic loss of Staff Sgt. Galliher and seven of his fellow airmen. I have been in contact with U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emmanuel to discuss ways in which his office can support the families in their time of grief. We join the Pittsfield community and a grateful nation in honoring their lives and service, as we send our thoughts and prayers to their families during this difficult time.


“We have a duty to ensure the safety of the brave men and women in uniform who have devoted their lives to defending our nation and promoting our values abroad. This is of the utmost concern, and an investigation will allow for proper inquiries to the Department of Defense to help prevent future incidents from occurring.”




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