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Neal Applauds Biden Administration’s New Actions to Lower Health Care Costs

Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement applauding the Biden Administration's announcement of new action to lower health care costs by cracking down on price gouging:

“For too long, special interests have reaped the rewards of Big Pharma’s “profits over people” practices while too many Americans were forced to make unconscionable choices between life-saving medical care and paying for life’s necessities. Democrats’ landmark Inflation Reduction Act put an end to pharmaceutical price gouging as we knew it, empowering Medicare to negotiate drug prices and putting money back into millions of Americans’ pockets. Today’s actions build on that progress, cracking down on price gouging and giving Americans much-needed breathing room on their health care costs. By scrutinizing anti-competitive practices that harm patients, Democrats are infusing much-needed sunlight into our health care markets. Ways and Means Democrats have long fought to strengthen transparency guardrails on private equity ownership and Medicare Advantage – we will never waver in our efforts to provide the American people with the information they need to make decisions about their health care.

“Once again, Democrats are the only party Americans can count on to address kitchen table issues. As Republicans move towards the next phase of their endless conspiracies, chaos, and cuts, Ways and Means Democrats are focused on the work of the American people: lowering costs and creating economic opportunity for America’s workers and families.”


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