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Press Releases

Neal Delivers Floor Remarks on Republicans' Baseless Political Stunt

(As prepared for delivery)

Mister Speaker, I rise today in disgust and frustration of my Republican colleagues’ “Do-Nothing” Congress.

They are leading the most unproductive session since the Great Depression, and after manufacturing crisis after crisis, putting our record-breaking economic recovery at risk at every turn, they think that formalizing their fishing expedition will dress it up enough for the American people to believe them.

This is not the work of the Committee on Ways and Means, and let me tell you, no amount of formality can get this political stunt anywhere close to the truth.

The truth is: It’s been nearly a year and not a shred of evidence that shows wrongdoing or interference by the President.

Their recycled conspiracy theories continue to be debunked. They continue to mistake Congress—a legislative body—for law enforcement. In their only public hearing, their own witnesses conceded there isn’t evidence to warrant moving forward. I submit for the record, M/Speaker, a list of their own skepticism!

Meanwhile, we are staring down another Republican government shutdown right at the beginning of the tax filing season.

Enough with the Republican obsession with one particular taxpayer. Ways and Means Democrats are concerned with ALL taxpayers because that’s how you govern!

Again, there’s nothing here. No evidence, no wrongdoing.

It’s a waste of time, and it’s not the work of the American people.


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