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Neal Commends Confirmation of Social Security Administration Commissioner Martin O’Malley

Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement applauding the confirmation of Martin O’Malley to be Commissioner of Social Security:

“For the first time in over two years, the Social Security Administration will have a confirmed leader at the helm to bring in a new year. Commissioner O’Malley is committed to delivering peace of mind to the millions of Americans who rely on Social Security and Supplemental Security Income, both today and for generations to come, and despite the relentless attacks from Republicans.With his strong record of public service, Commissioner O’Malley has the experience to strengthen customer service and tackle some much-needed modernizations, including an overhaul of its overpayment system.

Social Security is the most essential promise of economic security; with each and every contribution, America’s workers earn the right to retire with dignity after decades of hard work. Democrats will never back down from defending Social Security. With Commissioner O’Malley’s confirmation, we have another champion ready to protect Americans’ hard-earned benefits by ensuring that seniors, people with disabilities, and survivors can access their benefits when they need them. Together, we will continue fulfilling the bedrock promise of economic security and safeguarding the program from Republican threats.”

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