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Neal Statement on December 2023 Jobs Report

Today, Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) December 2023 jobs report:

“Another strong report to round out a year of sustainable job growth, and growing the economy from the bottom-up and middle-out is the new pro-worker, pro-growth strategy. By every measure, it’s working. Wages are up above the slowing, global inflation, the economy grew at a blockbuster rate last quarter, and the year brought record success for workers fighting for their fair share.

“With each jobs report in 2023, I highlighted how Democratic legislative successes cleared the path for this progress while Republican chaos, conspiracies, and cuts manufactured crisis after crisis while endangering our economy. 2024 is no different: we are two weeks away from another Republican government shutdown with no plan in sight, and once again, they are focused on scoring political points instead of listening to workers. Republican inaction is not an option. A government shutdown is always devastating for the people, but at the beginning of the filing season would wreak needless havoc.

“There’s still time for my colleagues turn around the most unproductive Congress since the Great Depression, and join us in the work of the American people.”


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