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Neal Opening Statement at Markup of H.R. 7024

Democrats are here today because of a simple truth: when we invest in workers and families, we invest in our economy. Democrats’ 2021 expansion of the Child Tax Credit put money back in the pockets of working families across the country, keeping the lights on and children fed. The results were resounding: historic reductions in child poverty and better lives for millions.


When Republicans blocked the extension of this vital tax relief for middle-class families, Democrats never lost sight of its importance. We’ve worked tirelessly to see the Child Tax Credit revitalized and renewed, while Republicans have single-mindedly pursed tax breaks for the wealthy and well-connected, as we saw in their DOA Tax Scam 2.0 last summer. Indeed, today’s markup is only possible due to Democrats’ insistence on putting workers and their families first.


While this bill is a start towards the future America’s children deserve, more could’ve been done. Republicans are once again letting politics get in the way of good policy for America’s working families by refusing to expand the Child Tax Credit to include our country’s poorest children. If Democrats had our way, we’d have gone further. We know that when you grow the middle class, you grow the economy.


Our Committee has important work to do, and the American people depend on us to do it. When we held the Majority, we passed historic legislation that kickstarted our record economic growth and created jobs for American workers across the country. Instead of working together on policies that have a chance of being signed into law, the Majority has wasted nearly half this Congress on a fact-free “impeachment inquiry,” four potential government shutdowns, and extreme, unworkable legislation. It’s time to put the political stunts aside and govern.


I want to acknowledge the great work of my colleagues, who not only fought for the Child Tax Credit but also critical disaster tax relief, low-income housing credits, and tax relief to strengthen our relationship with Taiwan, among other top priorities.


Cutting child poverty, putting families on a pathway to prosperity, and setting parents up to better participate in our workforce are all within our reach, and it’s my hope that today we can take a meaningful step forward on delivering them for the people.

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