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Press Releases

Neal Formulates National Commercial Shipbuilding Strategy

Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement highlighting the need for a new national strategy for revitalizing America’s commercial shipbuilding sector:

“Our nation was built on the power of our maritime trade routes, with countless jobs created from building the ships that traverse our seas. As new threats to our shipping routes and an aging fleet mount challenges, we must act boldly on what’s next.

“Our Investing in America agenda has made way for unprecedented progress in revitalizing domestic manufacturing and strengthening supply chains. We’re creating good-paying, union jobs, securing record levels of private investment in American manufacturing, bringing our supply chains home, and now, we must expand this success to include our commercial shipbuilding sector. America is a leader in the global economy, and bolstering this integral industry will help us lead the way while acting in the best interest of our national security. The time to act is now.

“The Ways and Means Committee has many tools to leverage in creating sustainable solutions that ensure American shipyards have the industrial capacity and skilled workforce needed to build a more robust and globally competitive commercial shipbuilding sector. A national strategy that will propel our maritime and shipbuilding industry into the future is imperative. The next generation of commercial shipbuilding will be Made in America.”


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