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Neal Statement on Republicans Refusal to Act on National Security Interests

Congressman Richard E. Neal released the following statement after House Republicans put forward a purely political bill and refused to act in the best interest of our national security:  


“I will not be a party to the Republican political games and double dealing ever, let alone over our national security interests. President Biden and Congressional Democrats have spent months negotiating in good faith to secure our border, provide aid to Ukraine and Israel, and support humanitarian efforts in Gaza, only for Republicans to bend to the will of the former president and walk away from bipartisan legislation. With this bill, they chose to pit our national security interests against one another in hopes of undermining efforts to pass comprehensive legislation. 


“Our nation has a responsibility to not only protect ourselves but also to lend a hand to our allies in times of need, and to stand up unequivocally when democracy and freedom are on the line. My support for Israel remains steadfast, but my colleagues must drop the political stunts and allow the House to get back to the difficult work of legislating. The American people and our allies deserve better.”



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