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Press Releases

Neal Floor Remarks on Pending Agreement to Restore Government at Stormont

(As Prepared for Delivery)


Mr. Speaker, I rise today to applaud the political parties at Stormont as they near an agreement that will restore executive government. After nearly two years of delay, Stormont is one step closer to resuming the people’s business. This is a victory for democracy and for the people of Northern Ireland.


The Good Friday Agreement marked the end of the longest period of conflict in Irish history. It happened because everyone involved acted together in good faith. Almost 26 years later, the parties in Northern Ireland are doing just that – acting in good faith to restore government and resume the difficult work of legislating.


When the United States helped broker the Good Friday Agreement, cementing its place as a guarantor of the agreement, it did so with one primary objective: ensuring every community had a voice in the pursuit of peace and prosperity. With the restoration of power-sharing on the horizon, the people are the winners. Their voices will be heard once again.




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