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Neal Opening Statement Markup of H.R. 7513, H.R. 5074, H.R. 7512, and Views and Estimates Letter to the Committee on the Budget

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I first want to address the Views & Estimates letter under consideration today. It’s unfortunate that the current Majority has abandoned the bipartisan consensus on high-level policy goals that we found during the 116th and 117th Congress. This letter doubles down on extreme Republican policies that would make life harder for families trying to escape poverty, attack workers, and rip away Americans’ hard-earned Social Security benefits – all to enrich billionaires and big corporations.

Republicans’ chaos, conspiracies, and cuts are the biggest threat to our economic well-being. Until the Majority is willing to put working families ahead of the wealthy and well-connected, we cannot support this Views & Estimates letter.

Turning to the health care legislation under consideration today, actions speak louder than words. Ways and Means Democrats are committed to improving Americans’ access to quality, affordable health care. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act and our investments in the Inflation Reduction Act, more Americans have health care than ever before, with a record 21.3 million people signing up for health care through ACA marketplaces during the 2024 Open Enrollment season. We want what's best for patients, and that means an accessible, affordable, health care system with robust protection for consumers.

The Affordable Care Act put power in patients’ hands, bringing quality health care coverage to tens of millions while protecting the over 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions from discrimination by insurers.

Our Inflation Reduction Act built on that progress, taking on Big Pharma’s “profits over people” practices and putting an end to price gouging as we knew it. We’ve already put money back in the pockets of millions of Americans, and as the first-ever Medicare negotiations continue, we’re on the path to giving Medicare recipients even more breathing room.

Our record says it all: the legislation Democrats have passed through this Committee has saved lives. Republicans remain the biggest threat to Americans’ health and well-being with their threats to the Affordable Care Act and their attacks on women’s rights, all without a plan of their own. These small tweaks on the margin won’t change what their extreme agenda would create: a sicker, poorer America.

I want to draw special attention to the bill on nursing home staffing standards. When it comes to nursing homes, Ways and Means Democrats have steadfastly called for stronger care and labor standards.

For too long, patients and workers have suffered from the lack of oversight and transparency in nursing homes, and the Biden Administration has taken commendable effort to shore up these protections. The legislation before us today would undermine CMS’ ability to protect patients and workers, a blatant disregard for the safety of millions. We know exactly why Republicans are turning a blind eye to this issue—the profits of private equity owners and other bad actors depend on it.

Democrats believe in a more affordable, dependable, and comprehensive system that gives Americans the peace of mind that they will be able to access the care that they need—we want to go even further on increasing transparency and safeguarding consumers. In sharp contrast, Republicans are so committed to serving powerful healthcare industry players that they’re hell-bent on dismantling the progress Democrats have made for Americans.

I can see where your priorities lie, and so can the American people. With that, I yield back.

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