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Neal Celebrates Fourteenth Anniversary of the Affordable Care Act

Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement ahead of the 14th anniversary of President Obama signing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law on March 23, 2010:

“The Affordable Care Act has stood as beacon of what’s possible when the government does what’s best for the people for the last fourteen years and rewritten the story of health care in our country. With each investment and improvement, we progress toward a nation that recognizes, health care shouldn’t be a privilege for the few but a right for all. More Americans have health coverage today than ever before, and the over 100 million people living with pre-existing conditions no longer live in fear of discrimination, but we didn’t stop there. At every opportunity, Democrats have worked to expand access and bring down costs. Under the leadership of President Biden and through tight margins, Democrats gave Medicare the ability to negotiate lower drug prices and capped the cost of insulin and out-of-pocket costs for seniors. Our achievements are unbelievable, and soon, the people will feel the relief they deserve.

“The only path is forward. Try as they might, Republicans can only see as far as their own political ambitions and relentlessly attack our progress. If they had it their way, they’d strip people of their protections, jack up premiums and costs, all while keeping the power in the hands of big corporations and forcing folks to work until they die. It’s not enough for them to detest our success. We are now seeing them double-down on limiting access to health care, whether that be for those with pre-existing conditions or even to safe, proven fertility care. Republicans remain the biggest threat to the well-being and wallets of the American people.

“It’s a historic day, and in due time, Ways and Means Democrats will continue building on this landmark achievement.”



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