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Neal Applauds Katherine White on USTR Textile Appointment

Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement regarding the departure of International Trade Policy Advisor Katherine White, who has been appointed to serve as the U.S. Trade Representative’s Chief Textiles and Apparel Negotiator:

"I join in congratulating Katherine White on her new role as Chief Textiles and Apparel Negotiator at USTR, where she will continue her dedicated and diligent work on behalf of America’s workers. She has been an excellent member of the Ways and Means staff and was a driving force in negotiating the landmark USMCA, which set a new standard for what our trade agreements can accomplish. With this new role, Katie joins the Biden Administration in putting America’s workers first while advancing the domestic textile industry, and she will be a vital asset in delivering more prosperity right here at home. I wish her all the best and look forward to our continued work together.”


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