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Neal Statement on the April 2024 Jobs Report

Today, Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) April 2024 jobs report:

“Four years ago, our economy was in free-fall, with the highest single-month job loss in American history. After the great stress and unthinkable chaos of the previous Administration, President Biden and Democrats have overseen a historic economic recovery that has not only made us the envy of the world but also broken record after record. Today’s jobs report continues the solid gains and steady progress we’ve seen from President Biden. Unemployment has remained at near-historic lows for 27 months, the longest stretch in 50 years, and workers’ wins continue to reverberate through our job market while wages rise.

“While Democrats are ready to grow the middle class through paid leave, child care, and creating good-paying union jobs, Republicans have all but given up on this Congress and are already teeing up another round of Tax Scam cuts for their wealthy and well-connected friends. Thirty years of Republican tax cuts for billionaires and big corporations, and it’s always the same outcome: wages don’t rise and workers don’t benefit.

“As the GOP nominee calls for a weaker dollar and worse outcomes for working families, Americans will see it clearly: Republicans remain the biggest threat to our nation’s health and economic security.”  

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