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Neal Blasts Supreme Court’s Disastrous Decision in Alexander v. South Carolina State Conference of the NAACP

Today, Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) blasted today’s Supreme Court decision in Alexander v. South Carolina State Conference of the NAACP, which upheld South Carolina Republicans’ unconstitutional Congressional maps:

“This morning’s Supreme Court decision emboldens Republican lawmakers’ relentless war on our electoral system and our democracy itself. Across the country, Republicans are challenging the legitimacy of elections, doubling down on unfounded conspiracies, and systemically silencing communities of color at the ballot box. At the very moment this decision was handed down, Republicans were using the House Floor to parade baseless conspiracies and further erode voters’ trust in our system.

“It’s a betrayal to the fundamental values our nation was founded on, and to the life and legacy of the countless Americans who courageously marched, organized, and fought for the right to make their voices heard. One of those brave activists was my dear friend John Lewis, whose sacrifice and heroism is the stuff of legend. I was proud to vote for the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act that rightfully bears his name, and House Democrats, led by the unwavering forces that are Jim Clyburn and Terri Sewell, will not rest until we see the full might of the Voting Rights Act restored and the unalienable will of the American people to participate in our democracy once again enshrined into law.”

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