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Neal Opening Statement at Committee Hearing on Strengthening Child Welfare and Protecting America’s Children

(As prepared for delivery)


Thank you for calling today’s hearing. As we look ahead to the reauthorization of Title IV-B, we must work together on comprehensive action to help our nation’s young people in times of turbulence.


All youth deserve safe, stable environments that allow them to learn and fully experience life.  We hope and believe most youth can find that within their own families, sometimes with a little extra help. For those where foster care is the only option, we have a special responsibility to protect them from abuse and further turmoil and also to deliver supports that will set them on a path to success and limit the time they spend in the care of others.


I must also thank all of those who have shared their lived experiences with us to help inform better policy. Paris and Tori, in particular, thank you for being here with us today and being so brave as to share your experiences. Learning directly from the source allows us to better safeguard our nation’s youth, keep them safe, and strengthen their families. 


I’m thrilled by the many consensus bills that have recently been introduced in this space. Our Worker and Family Support Subcommittee Ranking Member, Danny Davis, is working with his counterpart, Chairman LaHood, to lead legislation to deepen the relationships between foster children and their incarcerated parents. We know how important strong parent-child relationships are to success, and strengthening these relationships will help sow seeds of unity for tomorrow.


Social Security Subcommittee Ranking Member, John Larson, wants to expand the use of child welfare funds for Family Resource Centers with his legislation with Congressman Carey.


Vice Ranking Member Chu is spearheading an effort to protect Native American children, keeping them with their tribes whenever possible, and ensuring states are following the requirements of the Indian Child Welfare Act.


Congressmen Kildee and Feenstra are working to expand the availability of evidence-based interventions to keep children out of foster care, which is complemented by legislation led by Congresswoman Moore and Congressman Adrian Smith to ensure state child welfare agencies are guided by lived experience voices. Centering our work around those most affected is so critical, and how we create the most meaningful policy.


Congresswoman Moore worked with our Chairman on legislation to prevent separation when families find themselves in crisis from poverty.


Congressmen Panetta and Steube teamed up to better understand what’s happening at youth residential programs and safeguard from abuse. 


Finally, Congresswoman Chu and Congressman Blake Moore are leading a bill to invest in the Court Improvement Program, allowing family courts to better work with the foster care system and easing the burden on all.


I know there are other bipartisan collaborations still in progress, and I look forward to those further strengthening our work. I thank all of these members for their leadership, and their commitment to our nation’s future. Our children are just that, and by investing in their success, we are building our collective success, and we owe it to our most vulnerable to not only help them survive, but thrive.


With that, I yield back the balance of my time.



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