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Neal Statement on June 2024 Jobs Report

Today, Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) June 2024 jobs report:


“It’s another month of solid job growth under President Biden that would’ve been hailed as a celebration under the former president. Record job creation, consistent wage growth, and high consumer confidence are the outcomes of an economic agenda that targeted investments in our best asset—workers. Their success continues reverberating through the job market, but we can unlock their fullest potential with supports like affordable child care and universal paid leave.


“A robust, resilient economy that works for all is within reach, but Republicans’ calls to crater the revenue system with a centuries-old tariff scheme would skyrocket inflation and raise the cost of everyday goods. It’s a bad deal for the American people. The contrast is clear: they’ll do anything to assail our institutions and destabilize our economy so long as their wealthy and well-connected friends get a fat tax cut, while President Biden and the Democrats will do anything to deliver the results that matter.”


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