Congressman Neal discusses new stimulus package, expected soonClick here to read the news story
Springfield, MA,
July 25, 2020
Morgyn Joubert, Lindsey Kane, Western Mass News
SPRINGFIELD, MA (WGGB/WSHM) -- All eyes are on Senate Republicans, who are expected to release a new stimulus package proposal as early as Monday. Congressman Richard Neal told Western Mass News he hopes the Senate and the House will agree on a package in the next few days. "We wanted them to have money for the day-to-day needs of life," Neal explained. With the extra $600 weekly jobless benefits in the CARES Act ending in the next few days, Senate Republicans and House Democrats are still at odds over a new stimulus package, leaving many families to scramble. "I think the HEROES Act is likely to pass in some version," Neal noted. The House has already passed a $3 trillion relief package, the HEROES Act, which Senate Republicans quickly dismissed. But Neal said talks inside the House are still active. "Speaker Pelosi and I met yesterday, three times to talk about it," he said. "The last time was at 1 p.m. to talk about the need for extending unemployment insurance, and this is all part of this public health crisis." Senate Republicans are expected to release their proposal as early as Monday, which is expected to include less than the $600 weekly jobless bonus as an incentive for people to get back to work. "We need an extension of unemployment insurance, we need to put money in the hands of people in the middle and lower-income spectrum," Neal explained. Neal told Western Mass News that he thinks the House and Senate will agree in the next few days, but more money in the pockets of Americans is a must. "It provided enormous relief to the American family, and we’re going to have to do it again," Neal said. The Senate was expected to release the proposal on Thursday but many are still at odds over unemployment benefits. |