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Celebrating Social Security's 75th Birthday

July 20, 2010
CONTACT: William Tranghese (202) 225-5601

((Mr. NEAL asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I want to join all of you in wishing Social Security a happy 75th birthday.

Social Security and Medicare are two of the most successful legislative accomplishments in the history of the world. But not everyone in this body is celebrating Social Security's overwhelming success.

There are many in this body on the other side who would like to privatize Social Security. Remember the Bush plan--to tie Social Security to the fluctuation of the stock market. This is a gamble we should not take.

It is an extraordinary American success story. For those who are simultaneously trying to educate college-aged children and the thought of caring for elderly parents, let me give you the actuarial reality. It's impossible. Simply put, the reason that Mom and Dad are not living in your attic is because of Social Security and Medicare. It is the greatest achievement in legislative history domestically for all American families.

Happy birthday, Social Security.

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