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Neal Calls for Tax Fairness for Working Families

September 22, 2010
CONTACT: William Tranghese (202) 225-5601

[Page: H6812]

(Mr. NEAL asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, it did not take a lot of courage for the Republican leader in the Senate to announce his tax cut plan last week, which would cost about $4 trillion. Handing out tax cuts is not a tough business.

Oddly enough, while he ensured that those households with incomes of more than $1 million would get a tax cut of $104,000 next year, he forgot about the households of working poor people who count on the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit.

Why? Because the GOP plan extends the estate tax cuts but doesn't extend improvements to the tax credits for low-income working families, which the Congress passed last year. In Massachusetts alone, 210,000 families will lose some or all of the child credit under the Republican plan and 167,000 Massachusetts families will lose all or some of the earned income tax credit.

I urge our Republican friends here to reject this plan from their Senate leader and to stand up for working families.

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