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Neal Statement on the Hamas Rocket Attacks Against Israel

Congressman Richard E. Neal released the following statement today regarding the continuation of the Hamas militant group rocket attacks against Israel. The violent cross-border attacks have now entered its fourth day with no apparent end in sight.

“I am deeply troubled by the escalating violence between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip that has resulted in the death of innocent civilians including children.  The cross-border fighting has now entered a fourth day and tensions in the region are at their peak.

“As the unrest intensifies, I believe Israel has a right to defend itself from rocket attacks from the armed wing of Hamas. More than one thousand missiles have been launched into Israel causing widespread terror and fear. This aggression is unacceptable and must come to an end.

“I strongly support the decision of the Biden administration to send an envoy to the region to appeal for calm and seek an immediate cessation of the hostilities. Calls for a de-escalation and restraint from international community leaders are also welcome and helpful. At this critical moment, the United States should continue to engage with our counterparts in the Middle East and other stakeholders to seek a diplomatic solution to the current conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.”


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