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Neal Statement on Trump's Decision to Pull Out of Iran Nuclear Agreement

Congressman Richard E. Neal made the following statement today after President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of the Iran Nuclear Agreement.

“I am deeply concerned about President Trump’s decision to pull out of the Iran Nuclear Agreement and the implications it may have on our long term national security interests. While many of our friends and allies remain committed to the deal, withdrawal will damage our credibility and isolate the United States from the international community. We should be following the advice of French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel and remain part of the multilateral pact. The United States should be strengthening the agreement to make sure Iran does not pursue its nuclear ambitions, rather than walking away from a diplomatic accord that already has rigorous enforcement and verification protocols. Today’s misguided decision reduces our ability to monitor Iran’s nuclear threat, and will allow the country to resume its illegal weapons program.”


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