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Press Releases

Neal Statement on Second Anniversary of Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

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Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement lauding the second anniversary of the Bipartisan infrastructure Law:   “With a four vote margin and bipartisan consensus, Democrats accomplished what many have attempted and finally put weight behind ‘Made in America.’ Modernizing our nation’s infrastructure to make travel faster, safer,…

Neal Opening Statement at Hearing on Antisemitism

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(As prepared for delivery) Thank you for calling this hearing, Mr. Chairman. Let there be no doubt that I am here today to condemn antisemitism in all its forms, including the brutal attacks launched by the terrorist organization, Hamas, on Israel on October 7.  The last month has been heartbreaking. To all those who are affected by the ongoing war, to the students who are afraid,…

Neal Statement on Democrats Keeping the Government Open

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Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement after a majority of Democratic votes helped a continuing resolution pass the House of Representatives and avert another Republican Shutdown:   “There is one party in Washington who can be trusted to govern, and it’s Democrats. House Republicans flail on the very basic tenets of the job,…

Neal Statement on Higgins Retirement

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House Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement after Ways and Means Committee Member Congressman Brian Higgins (D-NY) announced his departure from Congress effective February 2024:   “No one has worked harder for the people of Western New York than Congressman Brian Higgins. For nearly two decades, he has dedicated every day to…

Neal Opening Statement at Retirement Hearing

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(As prepared for delivery) The last two Congresses will be remembered by the historic, bipartisan retirement wins put forward by this Committee. Many people have asked me how we’d follow those successes or for the contours of SECURE 3.0. I certainly never expected this Majority would start retirement policy with woke, broke, and legislation outside of our jurisdiction. I’d argue all…

Neal Statement on the October 2023 Jobs Report

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Today, Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) October 2023 jobs report:   “This month's jobs report shows the Biden recovery, powered by American workers, is holding strong. When workers are empowered, we all win, and the recent successful labor negotiations will only build on the…

Neal Opening Statement at Tax, Trade, Worker and Family Support, and Social Security Markup

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(As prepared for delivery) Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Today is our first gathering since our esteemed colleague, Trade Subcommittee Ranking Member, Earl Blumenauer announced this will be his last term on the dais. First—Ranking Member Blumenauer, thank you. Earl has led the Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee through tremendous triumphs and been a leading voice in holding…

Neal Statement on Deficit-Increasing CBO Score of Republicans’ Political Ploy to Cut IRS Funding

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Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement after the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released the budgetary effects of Republicans’ “offset” for critical Israel aid, showing their political ploy would increase the deficit by $12.5 billion over the next decade and protect wealthy tax evaders from paying their fair…

Neal Statement on Mauritania’s Reinstatement to AGOA

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Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement after the Biden Administration announced it would be reinstating Mauritania to the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) trade preference program:   “Reinstating Mauritania into AGOA is premature and flies in the face of a worker-centric trade agenda. As the centerpiece of U.S. trade…

Neal Statement on Republican Rescission of IRS Funding

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Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard E. Neal (D-MA) released the following statement after Republicans offset crucial aid for Israel with cuts to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS):   “The IRS has recovered over $100 million in unpaid taxes from the wealthy and well-connected in the last month, proving that strong tax enforcement cuts down on the unfair, two-tiered tax…

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